Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pictures, Pictures...... and Catching up on the past!

It has been quite a while since I have posted to the good old blog. A lot has happened and a lot of changes have been made. We are so grateful for the Lords hand and for all the blessings in our lives.
These are just a few pictures of the last little part of our lives.... Sorry about the quality of a few of them, but we are what we are!

Lillie turns 6...
Happy 6th Birthday Lillie! Lillie really wanted her ears pierced for her birthday and when it was actually happening, she wasn't too sure. She did a great job though, and didn't even cry! She was pretty proud of herself.

Christmas 2011...
We cut down our own Christmas tree (weed) again this year. The girls/Eric wouldn't hear of getting one off the tree lot. So out to the prairie to get a cedar tree we went! We had such a fun time and the memories are all worth the decorated weed in the living room.
The girls were so excited when they found little trees and begged and begged their dad to let them cut them down for their rooms. Needless to say, they have their dad wrapped around their little fingers!

Emma and Lillie's Tree

Allie and Kassie's tree

Utah for Christmas! We were so lucky to be able to go to Utah for Christmas. It had been over a year since most of us had been. Emma was able to go for a few weeks during the summer and Eric was able to go for a hunt with his dad during the fall. As for the rest of us, it seemed like forever since we had been back. We were so excited to go for Christmas!
We flew into Salt Lake and Carol and Saul were so kind to pick us up from the airport and let us borrow their van while were were there. We went to temple square with Carol and Saul, Kimball and Michelle and Benson and Albree. It was on the top of my to do list in Utah. I love temple square at Christmas time and was so glad were got to go and spend time with family as well.

The must have picture with Santa at Eric's grandmas annual Christmas Eve party! Great Grandma Thackeris amazing and we always have such a good time and the kids absolutely love it!

The annual Christmas Eve present.... Jammies!

The Big Move
Eric took a new job with OSU and started the first of Jan. Before we left for Utah we packed up the house so when we got home all we had to do was load the Uhal and head for Stillwater. Eric's brother, Tyler, and his family were so kind to come and help us move. They were so much help and we couldn't have done it without them. When we got to Stillwater, my brother, Tyler, and his family were there and they helped us unload. They were so kind and willing to help. It is amazing what a lot of hands can do in such a short time! We are so blessed to have such great families who are so willing to do anything for us!

Randomness at our House...
The girls just had to celebrate Rawlins' six month birthday. Allie was insistent on making a cake and having ice cream. It is amazing what a baby around the house does!

Just a few fun pictures of the star of the House!
As soon as Eric took the job with OSU, he had to get Rawlins an OSU hat!

This is one of Rawlins' most favorite places and things to do! Who knows what the future will bring!

Eric took Lillie ice fishing for her first time and she is the only one who caught a fish!

Kassie and Lillie playing "dress up" in the Dress Ups that Grandma Thacker made them for Christmas!


Benson and Paisley - Eric and Rawlins - Talmage and Stetson

Abbie and Rawlins (and uncle Casey)

Talmage... Paisley... Rawlins

Kayson... Pearl... Rawlins

Six out of "The Eight".... Not too Bad!
We actually saw Reese too but we didn't get a picture with her and we miss little Annie in Alaska!

They don't look anything alike and are totally different but we call them "The Twins" and love every last bit of them!

1 comment:

  1. okay, if he isn't the cutest little version of Eric I ever saw! So dang cute! I'm glad you finally updated! What's happening to Cassie? She's growing up! I hardly recognized her. Gosh, we still miss you guys! Next year we'll come down and try to hook up, if you can squeeze us in!
